Larger Detail Pictures of Alicia Farnsworth's original 2005 installation and color scheme for her welded steel sculpture called "Pesephone Emerging" first installed at the 2005 Eco Arts Lake County Sculpture Walk. |
This is the first image taken of the sculpture after the 2005 installation. It was partly in shade.She originally was painted subdued colors and was staked into the ground.I discovered that the subdued colors made her blend right into the background.NOVEMBER 2010 i BRIGHTENED HER PAINTJOB AND MADE HER A BASE TO MAKE HER MORE VISABLE AND also MAKE HER BOTH AN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SCULPTURE. Scroll down to see more images from the original 2005 install |
This 2005 picture was take later in the day in the sunshine |
Body detail shows the former paint job and the structure and the light hitting the red Japanese glass float "pomegranate" I also had a lot more red rocks in the first install but decided darker rocks complimented the sculpture better.
Click here to read The Myth of Persephone
Here is a 2005 detail of the head scroll down for more text In he sun, you can see the gold eyes and hair of the original paint job. She still has red lips she has from tasting the pomegranate. I changed her hair color to a berry color in 2010.
This picture shows a closer detail of the Japanese Float Pomegranate and the reflection of the red light in the pile of black obsidian (volcanic glass) underneath.